I published an article on this topic in the Embarcadero community and there is a Webinar scheduled for later this month.

The article is titled "Windows 10 Anniversary Update and RAD Studio" and you can read it at http://community.embarcadero.com/article/news/16424-windows-10-anniversary-update-and-rad-studio. It givens an overall picture of Delphi support for the latest version of Windows and links to a previous blog post I wrote here about Centennial support.

On September 22nd and 23rd I'll give a webinar on the combined topics, overall Windows 10 support and working with Centennial. More information and sign up at http://embt.co/delphiwin10webinar.

More is coming in this area in RAD Studio itself, but there is already all you need in the product to support the Anniversary Update at best.

PS. Don't forget to spread the word about the Delphi Boot Camp next week and the free Starter edition. We are seeing tremendous signups and adoption, but there is always room for spreading Delphi even more during the time of this special offer.