I've seen a few blog posts with the list of visited cities (like this one), as a way to describe a year or work and leisure. I've not traveled that much, also because this has been the first year after 15 or so without a US Borland Conference. The rule is: "Places I’ve visited in 2006 for at least one night, in chronological order".

1. Piacenza, Italy, is where I live
2. Bologna, Italy
3. Aosta Valley, Italy
4. Arnhem, Holland
5. Birmingham, Alabama, US
6. Berlin, Germany
7. Frankfurt, Germany
8. Viareggio, Tuscany, Italy
9. Bozen, Sudtirol, Italy

I'm expecting to travel a bit more this year... I've booked a plane yesterday (for the South of Italy) and I'm looking for a couple of intercontinental trips...