Busy week for me, but there are tweets about Skype and our coming Italian Delphi Day.

RT @mizko: Your mobile phone has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969. NASA launched a man to the moon. We launch a bird into pigs.

RT @nickhodges: Man, is it ever painful using D2007 after being used to DXE. I can't recommend upgrading enough. #delphi

RT @AndyHTech: Have a look at the license header in Tabs.pas. We are not allowed to use it to create a #QuattroPro competitive application. :-)

RT @Ludo74: Skype for Windows Built Using Embarcadero’s Delphi IDE http://lnkd.in/RYaShp

Official Embarcadero Press Release: "Skype for Windows Built Using Embarcadero’s Delphi IDE" http://bit.ly/lCRAUb

Delphi Italian developers interested in the present and *future* of Delphi should all come at the Italian Delphi Day at http://bit.ly/iuSPwv

After quite a few years my company (Wintech Italia) is now an Embarcadero training partner in EMEA: http://bit.ly/jZsMYr

Added my twitter account to my Amazon Author page. My blog is there as well... http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B000APSJ7Q