First week of DDD 2011 in Europe, which is showing off in many tweets, but also Microsoft Buying Skype, and many other assorted topics.
Delphi Developer Days 2011 in Frankfurt

RT @caryjensen: In Frankfurt. Had a very smooth flight. Arrived at the hotel less than 1 hour after landing! Looking forward to #DDD2011 starting Thursday

RT @embarcaderotech: petit rappel pour les Delphi Developer Days 2011 pour les européens:
Un post pour rappeller que les Delphi Dev...

RT @caryjensen: Delphi Developer Days 2011 with Marco Cantu and Cary Jensen #DDD2011 is under way in Frankfurt

RT @BrunoFierens: Delphi Developer Days in Frankfurt just started #DDD2011

"Delphi apps running on Android? Maybe in 2 or 3 years from now..." from Matthias (Embt) at #ddd2011

RT @BrunoFierens: Patterns in Delphi with Marco Cantu at #DDD2011

RT @caryjensen: Bruno Fierens of TMS Software is presenting Delphi IntraWeb Web Application Development at #DDD2011

To all those who asked: I was just #34ing Matthias words about "a possible Delphi for Android from Embt". Not my words or idea.

RT @BrunoFierens: and there is the Delphi Devs Day #DDD2011 conf. handbook, a whopping 385 pages! Add to that 300 pages in @caryjensen ClientDataSets book

RT @BrunoFierens: Great day at Delphi Developers Days #DDD2011 ! Always enjoy the deep knowledge of @caryjensen
@marcocantu on such a wide area of Delphi

RT @caryjensen: Delphi Developer Days Frankfurt a big success. 2 seats left for Amsterdam. Last chance to register
Microsoft Buying Skype

RT @abrams: Announcement: "Skype to be renamed Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail MSN Video Chat Bing"

RT @nickhodges: Wow. So much for the Skype client being built in Delphi.

Commented on "Mini-Microsoft: Skype? Ballmer Discovers a Way to Obliterate 8.5 Billion Microsoft Shareholder Dollars!"

RT @embarcaderotech: The $8.5 billion Delphi application - Microsoft to acquire Skype: One of my favorite applications built with Del...
Careers, HTML 5, Google Notebooks, and Apple

Have a profile on careers... Not that I'm looking for a job, though.

RT @timanderson: Must read: "We put our faith in Apple and they screwed us."

RT @nickhodges: Good rundown on what HTML5 can do:

I have 5 invitations for First come first served.