I was not amused this morning when I found a Delphi + InterBase blog that has stolen many entries from my blog, verbatim, including the formatting, and without caring to mention the source in any way. I find this very irritating. Keeping a blog takes time and gets you no direct economic return, but it is a nice experience. How comes one grabs and clones other people posts (as I wonder it there is a single original post in that blog)?

I see people resurfacing articles from RSS feeds to get traffic and advertising money, questionable but technically possible (I did it for a while without fully realizing it, but was giving full credit to authors!). But I've never seen people copy and paste other people material, claiming ownership. And no, I won't post the url as I don't want to get this person the satisfaction of getting an extra hit from my link! But I might ask blogger to terminate his account...