Today I was doing some research, and noticed how 1995 has been a unique year in the history of programming languages.

In 1995, in fact, the following programming languages were created:

  • Delphi's Object Pascal
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP

These are some of the most popular programming languages in use today. In fact, most other popular languages -- C (1972), C++ (1983), ObjectiveC (1986), and probably COBOL (1959) -- are much older, while the only newer popular language is C# (2001). For a history of programming languages you can see

So the question could be, what happened in 1995? Just a coincidence? Or was it the time of an underlying platform shift driven by visual development and web development? Probably hard to tell, but again, there hasn't been any other year with no many programming langauges debuting and still very popular after 18 years.