I'm visiting Washington dC next week and will be at the local user group meeting on Wednesday. The user group is for all programmers, but seems to have a strong Delphi bias. The topic of the evening will be Ruby and the speaker is Brian Moelk. I won't be formally presenting... but I'll be around and more than happy to answer questions and show the new book. If you live in the area, consider attending. If you would like to have a chat in a different occasion, let me know. I'll be around from Wednesday to Saturday and will also be in the New York area on Sunday the 7th, but only traveling from the airport to Washington dC.
If you have a user group and would like to invite me, I'll be more than happy to attend when visiting your part of the world (as I guess you won't be able to pay for my trip). I'm open to invitations. I can also set up virtual connections (with desktop sharing) to remote locations, making things easier and cheaper, but still quite effective.