Two online events coming from Embarcadero.

1. RAD in Action: Unit Testing in Delphi, by Nick Hodges

Next week Nick will host a webinar on unit testing in Delphi, covering also some advanced languages features and many related topics. Make sure you don't miss it. 

It is on February 12, next Wednesday, on the 3 usual times of the day for different time zones. Signup (if you still haven't done so) at Seems we'll have a packed virtual room!

2. CodeRage 8 for C++

The second event will be at the end of the month, and it is a 2 days online conference focused on C++, and in particular the new C++ iOS support offered in RAD Studio since Update 2 of XE5. If you have used C++Builder in the past, this is the event for you. If you are a C++ developer, looking for a mobile solution, this is also an event for you. For information refer to . The event is on Feb 25th and 26th. I should be giving a DataSnap session.