Kudos to Nick
Along with the Delphi 2007 announcement the other day, CodeGear stated that the Delphi 2007 Upgrade would only be available to former "non-Turbo" owners. A lot of complaints were posted. Within "hours" Nick Hodges was able to retract CodeGear position and announce the new Upgrade-for-All policy. Kudos to Nick for acting so quickly. In many years working with Borland/CodeGear products I've never witnessed similar responsiveness.
Meanwhile, Nick is hard at work differentiating the Turbo product line from the Professional products. Future Turbos will probably have a lower feature set, but if this comes at a very low price, that's reasonable. Meanwhile, there is a good news for Europeans. The USD/Euro rate exchange for new products is a little more in line with the real one (about 1:1.15, whereas the real rate exchange is 1:1.30). So differently from the past prices in Euros for Delphi 2007 are lower than the US Dollar prices.
Ben is Blogging
As many have announced, CodeGear CEO Ben Smith is now blogging. I think I like the attitude. I had a feeling his first post would remain alone... as happened with a few other Borland Bloggers. But a second post came right away (after 2 days), so I really hope this will become a new interesting source, not really of information, but of feelings and sensations of what's up with the company. And maybe we'll have the address of a nice restaurant...
Philippe New Ventures
I happened to notice that Philippe Kahn, Borland's founder, is up with a new venture. His blog is not so up to date, though. He claims to have invented the camera-phone. Or at least the idea... worth a look for the Borland aficionados.