I've started my trip to Australia. I spent half of the day Monday visiting Kuala Lumpur (where I had a long stop), thanks to Peter W. who escorted me around the new areas of the city, including the new high-tech suburb and a entire "govern town" built over the last few years. Yesterday I spent the day in Melbourne, mostly preparing for the seminars today and recovering from the jet lag. We set up for a dinner with a few CodeGear people (Tim, Malcolm, Allen) in a "quite" place that turned out very noisy. But it was fun...

I hope today I won't disappoint the audience, which is supposed to be quite advanced. I'm covering an assorted set of techniques for developing robust Delphi applications plus an overview of Vista development with both Delphi 2006 and Delphi 2007 (but mostly the former, I guess). If I have time, I'll post a few pictures taken over the last few days...

BTW, this morning I "video-skyped" back home to have a chat with my kids and I have to say this was very smooth, good audio and pretty decent video in both directions. The world is changing... on the Delphi side I've accumulated about 10 links I want to share and comment upon. Hope to have some time later today or tomorrow, while the conference is running, although having two talks to give each day will be quite exhausting. Stay tuned.