The tenth edition of the "Italian Delphi Day", the most popular Italian Delphi Developers gathering, is taking place in Piacenza, my home town, preceded by a day of seminars. For this year, we are asking for a contribution of only 25 Euros for the main conference (including the material and a good lunch), thanks to larger sponsorships.
The two-days event has a first day of seminars (covering HTML5 WebSocket and Socket Indy, Building Robust Delphi Applications, Building Modern User Interfaces in Delphi, and from COM to OLE Automation, given my myself, Paolo Rossi and Bruno Fierens). These are paid seminars, mostly given in Italian.
On the following conference day (sponsored by Embarcadero and Micro Focus) we'll have session on Delphi, Embaracadero, 64 bit, Unicode, iPhone using IntraWeb, requirements analisys, database development, projects showcases, and much more. We should have an Embarcadero person plus an online connection with David I. However, most of the session will be in Italian, so this is not meant for an international audience.
If you use Delphi and live in Italy, signup now (and in cany case before June 1st). Info (again, only in Italian) at