Like in past years, Embarcadero has organized two free evening events in Washington and Chicago during our Delphi Developer Days Tour. You can see the banner above, and sign up at:

The events are on April 16th and 19th, in the two cities. If you are attending our events, you'll be automatically invited... and you get these eevents on top of the additional guest speaker presentation by Jim McKeeth, RemObjects Software, in Washington DC/Baltimore and Ray Konopka, Raize Software, in Chicago.

If you are not attending our event, we'll be more than happy to see you and have a chat. Both myself and Cary are usually around during those events, and available for chatting. Of course, this is another good reason for attending the entire class even if you are from a different US city: you'll get our event, plus an Embarcadero evening.

Still trying to figure out what to set up in Europe. I'm thinking of a "Hills Walk Tour" for Rome, maybe a "Beer Walk Tour" for Amsterdam? 

In any case, the events in London and Amsterdam are in 3 weeks: there is still room, sign up now for the Delphi Training Event of the Year: