After two introductory posts, here is the actual source code of the custom variant used to implement dynamic method invocation. It is only a rough working prototype. Time permitting, I'd integrate it into the actual class hosting the data (something I did in the past for a different demo). And will try to make the code easier to reuse. Anyway, here is goes. This rather complex code allows you to call method that don't actually exist, as you'll pass the method name as a string parameter to a single processing function. The same could be done for functions and properties. Enjoy.

    unit DynamicDslVariant; interface uses TypInfo, Variants, Classes; function VarDSLDateTimeCreate(const AValue: TDateTime): Variant; overload; implementation uses VarUtils, SysUtils, DateUtils, WIndows, Dialogs; type TDslDateTimeVariantType = class (TPublishableVariantType) protected function GetInstance(const V: TVarData): TObject; override; public procedure Clear(var V: TVarData); override; procedure CastTo(var Dest: TVarData; const Source: TVarData; const AVarType: TVarType); override; function DoFunction(var Dest: TVarData; const V: TVarData; const Name: string; const Arguments: TVarDataArray): Boolean; override; function DoProcedure(const V: TVarData; const Name: string; const Arguments: TVarDataArray): Boolean; override; end; var DslDateTimeVariantType: TDslDateTimeVariantType = nil; type TDslDateTimeData = class (TPersistent) private FDateTime: TDateTime; public constructor Create(const AValue: TDateTime); overload; function AsString: string; property DateTime: TDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime; end; { Helper record for variant data } TDslDateTimeVarData = packed record VType: TVarType; Reserved1, Reserved2, Reserved3: Word; VDateTime: TDslDateTimeData; Reserved4: DWord; end; { TDslDateTimeVariantType } procedure TDslDateTimeVariantType.CastTo(var Dest: TVarData; const Source: TVarData; const AVarType: TVarType); var LTemp: TVarData; begin if Source.VType = VarType then case AVarType of varString: VarDataFromStr(Dest, TDslDateTimeVarData (Source).VDateTime.AsString); else VarDataInit(LTemp); try LTemp.VType := varDate; LTemp.VDate := TDslDateTimeVarData (Source).VDateTime.DateTime; VarDataCastTo(Dest, LTemp, AVarType); finally VarDataClear(LTemp); end; end else inherited; end; procedure TDslDateTimeVariantType.Clear(var V: TVarData); begin V.VType := varEmpty; FreeAndNil(TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime); end; function TDslDateTimeVariantType.DoFunction(var Dest: TVarData; const V: TVarData; const Name: string; const Arguments: TVarDataArray): Boolean; begin ShowMessage ('fn calling ' + name); // Dest := Result := True; end; function TDslDateTimeVariantType.DoProcedure(const V: TVarData; const Name: string; const Arguments: TVarDataArray): Boolean; var tmp: string; value, month, day: Integer; tmpDate: TDateTime;begin // ShowMessage ('proc calling ' + name); if Pos ('AM', Name) > 0 then begin // parse and process... tmp := StringReplace (Name, 'AM', '', []); value := StrToIntDef (tmp, 0); TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime := RecodeTime (TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime, value, 0, 0, 0); end; if Pos ('PM', Name) > 0 then begin // parse and process... tmp := StringReplace (Name, 'PM', '', []); value := StrToIntDef (tmp, 0); TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime := RecodeTime (TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime, value + 12, 0, 0, 0); end; if Pos ('NEXT', Name) > 0 then begin // parse and process... tmp := StringReplace (Name, 'NEXT', '', []); if tmp = 'MONDAY' then begin tmpDate := Now; value := DayOfWeek(tmpDate); tmpDate := tmpDate + 7 - value + 2; // monday as 2nd day of the week TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime := DateOf (tmpDate) + TimeOf (TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime); end; end; if Pos ('DEC', Name) > 0 then begin month := 12; // parse and process... tmp := StringReplace (Name, 'DEC', '', []); day := StrToIntDef (tmp, 0); TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime := RecodeDate (TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime.DateTime, YearOf (now), month, day); end; Result := True; end; function TDslDateTimeVariantType.GetInstance(const V: TVarData): TObject; begin Result := TDslDateTimeVarData(V).VDateTime; end; { TDslDateTimeData } function TDslDateTimeData.AsString: string; begin Result := DateTimeToStr (FDateTime); end; constructor TDslDateTimeData.Create(const AValue: TDateTime); begin FDateTime := AValue; end; // variant construction function VarDSLDateTimeCreate(const AValue: TDateTime): Variant; begin VarClear(Result); TDslDateTimeVarData(Result).VType := DslDateTimeVariantType.VarType; TDslDateTimeVarData(Result).VDateTime := TDslDateTimeData.Create(AValue); end; initialization DslDateTimeVariantType := TDslDateTimeVariantType.Create; finalization FreeAndNil(DslDateTimeVariantType); end.