Another review of announcements, news, blog post, webinars, and anything else related to Delphi that I feel important to share.

Embarcadero News

Embarcadero competition, Delphi 10.2 T-Shirt Graphic Contest:

​Rebooting the Podcast with Nick Hodges at

Events and Webinars

An Internet of Things (IoT) BootCamp 2017 by Embarcadero is scheduled for next week, see This is a 4 days event, with webinars each day, covering a set of diverse topics, from interfacing with IoT devices to communicating with Arduino boards, from creating federated IoT systems to collecting data in a central database, from creating custom Arduino boards to using Visuino for programming them. The subtitle "Build a RESTful Network of IoT Devices with Arduino and RAD Server" gives a technical overview of what will be included. Dates are February 6th to 9th.

The webinar "Migrating Delphi - Case Studies" is scheduled for tomorrow, January 31st. Register at

Notable Blog Posts

Windows Media Player in Delphi by Craig at

DprojNormalizer by Uwe at

Using Facebook SDK native framework for iOS and Android for Social Login and more (Part 1), a long and extremely interesting blog post from a technical point of view by Allen Drennan at

And by the same author, Using the Google Cloud Platform APIs at

And on a similar tone, FireBase Cloud Messaging with Delphi 10.1 Berlin update 2 by Jordi at

Delphi Code Monkey: One month after Diving Back into Delphi...

Podcast Streaming - FireMonkey Demo by Sarina at

TCalendarView Custom Painting by Pawel at

50 Posts in This "Weekly" Series

Even if I'm not keeping this with a weekly schedule, the series of post has been ongoing with some regularity (every 2 or 3 weeks) and I got to the 50th installment. I plan continuing, as I think the fast paced flow of social media is hard ot keep up with, and all of us end up missing notable news like those I summarize here. Let me know what's your take.