A new Delphi survey is available. It is important that many people fill it to let Embarcadero hear about your needs and desires, even if it takes about 20 minutes to go over is with some care. Over the last few years the survey has been used a a key input element to determine the future direction of the product, I have no doubt it will be highly considered this time as well.

Another interesting element is that by going through the questions you can figure out some of the possible future directions of the products, including those announced (Mac, Linux, 64 bit) and many specific features you might want to push for (O/R mapping, MVC model, native garbage collector, web server technologies, preferred databases, phones you wish to program for...). It looks like a very long wish list on Embarcadero side, on which you can comment and pick your favorites.

So, as soon as you have a few minutes available, go ahead and jump to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=XrKr27_2bmLfybzGzZi_2brsBQ_3d_3d.