Yesterday I officially released my latest book , Delphi 2010 Handbook. As usual it was a huge effort to write it, and an equally long and time consuming effort to go through the editorial process, incorporate reviewers feedback, and manage the book publishing (which is all on my shoulders, as the book is self-published). The book has 318 pages, including the introduction, table of contents, and index. The table of contents is available here. As you can see, the cover is focused on Delphi's gestures support, although this is a limited section of the book, which covers all of the new Delphi 2010 features... but nothing on previous versions (so you can consider buying it along with Delphi 2007 and 2009 Handbooks, in printed or PDF formats).
As I've signed off the book yesterday, it is immediately available in PDF format at 28 USD (about 20 Eur). You can buy it on my company's FastSpring shop at Note that the book has half-a-dozen pages with ads of Delphi third party components and that printing of the PDF content is disabled.
The printed version should be out by next week, depending on the quality of the proof copy I should get in a few days. At first it will be on CreateSpace, a couple of weeks later it should show up on Amazon and other major book sale outlets. Cover price of the printed book will be 43.50 USD.
PDF, Embarcadero, Discounts
As I mentioned, I'm in the process of reaching a deal with Embarcadero to let them distribute the PDF for free to registered users of Delphi 2010 and related products. Before buying the PDF, please consider that you might later get it for free, but I have no idea about the actual timing.
Also, if you bought the first two book parts, watch out for a super-offer in your mailbox (you'll be able to get the complete book for the cost of the never-to-be-published third part). Should be out today, but I'm getting ready for a trip so it might be delayed.
BTW, in retrospect publishing individual parts let me get some money early... but it did slow down the entire process, so I'm not sure I'll do it again.
Deal: Discounted printed book for PDF owners
Now there is another deal that is open to everyone. If you buy the PDF of the complete book (as an upgrade from individual parts or not) I'll send you a 20% (8.70 USD) discount coupon for buying a printed copy on CreateSpace (notice that I cannot give you a coupon for Amazon, so you either use my discount or Amazon own discounts and cheaper shipping). Also, the opposite operation (buy the printed version, get the discount on the PDF) probably won't be possible.