After three CodeRage online conferences, the developer's relations team at Embarcadero is now setting up an online event mostly focused on the database tools of the company. The event is called DataRage and will be held on March 17th to 19th.

The reason I'm posting is twofold.

  • On one side the conference registration is now open, as announced by Greg Keller.
  • The second is that, as you can see from the agenda, I'm speaking at the conference, touching on databases but also using Delphi in my demos. There are a few other Delphi talks and fellow Delphi speakers you probably know.

One of my talks is an introduction to DataSnap 2009, so this is a Delphi talk more than one talk on the DatabaseGear tools. My second talk is on connecting and showing database data on popular web sites (Google, Twitter, Facebook) using REST web services. I was supposed to have already recorded them, but I'm currently in the mountains...