Next week will see the 6th edition of Embarcadero's online conference, mostly focused on Delphi development. As you can see from the banner above (taken a reminder email I just received) I'll be speaking along with Cary Jensen and many other well-known Delphi experts and R&D tem members. 

The main site for information and registon is

I'll be giving several sessions (on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), covering

  • LiveBindings
  • Threading
  • REST and cloud clients
  • REST servers
  • Tips and tips (this is a joint session with Cary, taken from last year Delphi Developer Days event)

Beside being online for my sessions (and the Q&A following them), I'll try to be online for most of the time, dwell in chat areas, and try to make my "virtual presence" as interactive as possible. There aer at least a dozen session I wont' miss: I know recordings will become avaialble, but the ability to ask questions is there only if you take part of the event.

Don't miss this content-packed online event: It's free! See you online next week.