There is little about this on CodeGear site or blogs, and I saw no references even in the non-tech newsgroup, which is odd, but at the MySql Conference Borland and MySql AB have announced a partnership. Eweek an an article on this (I found the same on other sources). Truly, this is no more than an announcement of something that already happened, particularly for Delphi for PHP, but I think it is quite relevant and helps keeping CodeGear and Delphi in a sort of spotlight (certainly compared to the past few years).
Interestingly, Swindell is quoted to say that "in 2006 50 percent of CodeGear's customers had MySQL connections". The funniest portion is this:
Moreover, Urlocker, who spent some time at Borland, said: "Delphi is one of the most important rapid application development tools for Windows...
Well, considering that when he "spent some time at Borland" he was the product manager of Delphi 1, I can guess he is fond of it. Zack already blogged about CodeGear, search my blog to find out more.