Borland (although this will part of the new DevCo) is asking about the future of their developers conference (BonCon, in the past), running a survey. If you have been to their past conferences and/or are interested in them for the future, I suggest you to take the survey (there are many questions but 10 minutes will be enough).
Notice that questions include whether you want to see me (and other "luminaries") speaking at the conference and if you want "light side" presentations (like my own funside)... Of course, there are many other questions ranging from the preferred time of the year to the preferred location, from number of days to the price, from the meals to the special events. You can provide input to Chistine and the DevRel team shaping the conference content (you can tell you want more R&D talks and less product addresses or keynotes, for example <g>).
Having been to 15 Borland Conferences, I find this appraoch very interesting and the questions appropriate, so again if you have been to past conferences or are looking forward to attend, please do take the survey. I certainly hope they'll run another of these events before the end of the year, as they are great for shaping up the community and rising its spirit.