Here is a video showing my Amazon S3 Delphi client in action.
Here is a video showing my Amazon S3 Delphi client in action. No discussion of the Delphi code behind it, only a description of what it does. The full source code is available at
A description will be published in the Blaise Pascal magazine soon. Notice I had report of errors with buckets in non-default regions. If you try the program let me know if it works or not.
Thanks for sharing this code.
Should the xmlDocument declaration not be:
xmlDocument: IXMlDocument;
instead of:
xmlDocument: TXMlDocument;
Comment by Pawel Rewak
on June 14, 02:36
Amazon S3 Delphi Client
the TXmlDocument component implements the IXMLDocument
interface, so in several circumstances you can use one
for the other. Memory management might change, though.
The reason I commented was memory management - and
avoiding a leak.
If you declare the variable as T... it will not
automatically free itself after the procedure exists.
You have to declare the actual variable as I... (an
interface type). If you don't then you introduce a
memory leak each time the procedure executes.
Can you confirm this behavior or am I wrong?
Comment by Pawel Rewak
on June 14, 08:12
Amazon S3 Delphi Client
I know it sounds odd but as you pass a TXMLDocument to
an interface mapper, it takes responsibility of freeing
it. In fact, the code has "Report Memory Leaks" turned
on but it leaks no memory, while the xmlDocument1.Free
call will cause havoc.