Over the weekend, I've moved my Feedburner account to the Google Feedburner. Google bought the popular RSS feeds manager service some time ago, and they are asking all accounts to move their new platform. Moving the feed was very simple, as they let you move the existing Feddburner configuration over. All the new URLs refer to "feed2" rather than "feed", like in http://feeds2.feedburner.com/marcocantublog. So I did update the links and the related Apache configuration.

If you have links (like in your RSS reader configuration) referring to the "older" version everything should work as they are redirected beihnd the scenes, but updating the links won't be a bad idea. If you used the links on my site, theyr'll be updated ASAP (as I restart Apache).

The reason for this update was to be able to add Google ads (Adsense) in the feeds. I hope this won't be annoying and see if this provides any benefit. I'm quite sure I won't get rich with about 1,000 followers to my blog, but it is an interesting experiment. I'll let you know.