In 2024, Embarcadero released Delphi 12.1 and Delphi 12.2, along with Delphi 12 Community Edition. I wrote more extensively on the 2024 times in a blog post for Embarcadero.
There are three specific items I want to highlight here:
- Embarcadero shipped for the first time a Delphi compiler as a 64-bit binary application, meaning no memory limits
- In 12.2, the Delphi IDE integrated third-party AI tools for the first time
- With WebStencils and the focus on HTMX, Delphi is focusing again in th web space, neglected for quite some time
That's my very short summary. I also released a book on FireMonkey and did a few more interesting things, some of which will get public in early 2025. Stay tuned, and I wish you the best for the new year.