June 27, 2018
Embarcadero has just release a patch to the Delphi compiler mostly focused on addressing CodeInsight issues in the IDE, but also compiler bugs. It includes also a new cut of the iOS 11.3 patch.
Over the last few months we were able to investigate some very specific CodeInsight bugs (with reproducible cases) and we have been able to work on several fixes to the Code Completion and other areas. A critical one involved the case a developer overaloads a generic method. While some of the fixes will be part of the next major release, some of them could be made available for the 10.2.x product and are included in this patch. One of the issues is purely a compiler issue a customer reported.
At the same time we have done some further cleanup to the iOS 11.3 patch we have released last month, and having also to include new compiler support in PAServer, we have decided to merge the iOS fixes and thd code insight fixes in a single download -- so you don't end up with a partially patched, unstable system.
The download is avaialble for registered users of any paid version at:
The iOS-related publicly reported issues addressed by the patch are:
RSP-20268: [DCC Error] E2597 ld: file not found: /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib for architecture arm64
RSP-20303: XCode 9.3 and iOS 11.3 linker error
RSP-20342: A blank project of Delphi Tokyo 3 Don't compile in iOS
RSP-20346: Compiling error with SDK11.3 for iOS, XCode 9.3
The CodeInsight related issues include:
RSP-16046: [Regression] [Code Completion] Code completion dialog does not show up in overloaded method
RSP-14877: IDE freezes
RSP-17412: Code completion failure
RSP-19856: Code completion failure SY12895
RSP-19508: Code completion
posted by
marcocantu @ 6:40AM | 14 Comments
[0 Pending]
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Can we expect a fix for XCode 9.4 any time soon?
Comment by Steve Jordi on June 27, 07:23
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
This is great news! These CodeInsight issues slow us
down seriously. I can see only one downside: less time
to read blogs while waiting on the IDE ;-)
Comment by Andreas on June 27, 07:52
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
And when can we expect next major release? Is it
known already? At least more or less: this week, this
moth, this quarter, this year...
Comment by Zbyszek on June 27, 08:38
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
The download of the patch on cc.embarcadero.com does not work.
Get the following error message:
Server was unable to process request. ---> Unable to connect to the
remote server ---> A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to
An error has occurred while processing the page.
Please try to refresh the page, or return to the home page.
Comment by Rohit
on June 27, 09:12
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Can't reach the Embarcadero server from your link or
from the community site.
Server was unable to process request. ---> Unable to
connect to the remote server ---> A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to
Comment by Pat Heuvel
on June 27, 10:15
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
The server has had some hiccups (over recent days, due some
network changes), but now it seems to be working fine.
Comment by Marco Cantu
on June 27, 11:48
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Thanks Marco, I can get to the download page, but
clicking on the download button (or the FTP URL) gives
me the above error.
Comment by Pat Heuvel on June 27, 13:39
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
It doesn't work for me in France
Comment by Frédéric on June 27, 13:42
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Add me to the ones having download problems. Was going to post all
the details but others have already done a fine job with it.
Comment by Eduardo A Salgado on June 27, 14:46
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Hi Steve
The previous patch for iOS 11.3 / Xcode 9.3 works
fine with iOS 11.4 and Xcode 9.4
Did you applied it ?
It's download address is
Comment by Patrick Prémartin
on June 27, 15:00
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Hi Patrick,
No I didn't dare to try XCode 9.4 actually. But if you
say I can go ahead, I'll install it right now.
Merci mais j'ai préféré ne rien faire et attendre l'avis
d'autres personnes !!!
Comment by Steve Jordi
on June 27, 18:31
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
We have been told by IT that the download issues have been
addressed. Sorry for the delay and trouble...
Comment by Marco Cantu
on June 28, 09:27
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
Is it enough to install patch 30837 or do I have to
install all previously released patches also? Does
this include all the previous fixes?
Comment by Christoph "baka0815" Schwerdtfeger on June 28, 09:29
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight and iOS 11.3 Patch
After patching I am getting lots of IDE EAccessViolation errors
which make the IDE unusable when they occur.
One example is a large number of projects in the project group show
<EAccessViolation>:Access violation at address 500678A9 in
module 'rtl260.bpl'. Read of address 00000004
Comment by Mark Kendall on July 2, 01:55
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