September 6, 2017
Embarcadero just released a hotfix for a regression when using inherited VCL Forms on High-DPI monitors
This hotfix addresses a bug introduced in RAD Studio 10.2.1 and reported as RSP-18792 in Quality Portal. The issue causes an inherited VCL form to fail to scale on high DPI displays. Actually the fix resolves also a couple of related problems.
The download is available at
Notice that even if the changes is for only a few lines of source code, the download is over 80 MB, as we are updating all binary files (DCU, BPL) including that code. The list of files is included in the download page.
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marcocantu @ 2:23PM | 8 Comments
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Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
Great to see a hotfix but in this era of Win10 and
UAC it would be nice if Embarcadero shipped a simple
installer that runs with elevated (install) privileges
and can copy these files . I will predict some
support cases where people try to copy and files get
Comment by S.Hornas
on September 7, 19:29
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
Thank you. I really appreciate the willingness to
post a hotfix for this issue and not wait to roll it into
the next update. For what it's worth, a response to
the previous comment about installers: I wouldn't
want to have to wait longer for fixes like this just so
that a one-click installer could be built, tested, and
validated. Any programmer ought to be able to
replace files in a folder regardless of UAC from a zip
archive, and asking them to make installers for
things like this would only delay shipping the fixes.
Thanks again, Marco and team...
Comment by Brandon Staggs
on September 8, 18:07
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
Marco, thank you and the team for this update.
Unfortunately not all issues are fixed. If inherited
form has a TPopupMenu with linked TImageList the
menu shows large text and tiny images. When there
are no images, the menu appears correctly. It would
be great to have fix for this issue.
Comment by Anatoliy on September 15, 11:53
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
Comment by Marco Cantu on September 18, 09:17
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
We'll look into regressions introduced by the fix. Did you report the
Comment by Marco Cantu
on September 18, 09:19
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
No, I did not. It is difficult to find right place to post issue.
Comment by Anatoliy on September 19, 06:30
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
I hope that HiDPI issue on FMX (RSP-18270) will have some
attention. Bug report after 3 months is even not reviewed.
Comment by Tomek Kosinski on September 19, 07:55
Hotfix for 10.2.1 Inherited VCL Forms Released
just to to Quality Portal, see link below, login with EDN credentials,
and use Create Issue, selected bug at type... link below
Comment by Marco Cantu
on September 19, 08:09
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