September 29, 2016
We have recently gone back to updating and cleaning the content of GetIt packages, updating them to the last version and creating package versions for Berlin as needed. Plus we updated third party tools.
We have recently gone back to updating and cleaning the content of GetIt packages, updating them to the last version and creating package versions for Berlin as needed. Plus we updated third party tools.
While the work isn't finished, I felt it is worth underlying the significant progress we have made. Now we have a person focus on GetIt content and we are really expecting to be timely in updating third party packages for new releases of RAD Studio and when there are updates in the actual libraries.
Of course we are also more than willing to extend the content of GetIt, and have also streamlined the rules to accept more contributions. We welcome open source libraries, trial or light versions of third party tools and libraries, add-on tools, and anything that can you might be interested to share with RAD Studio developers. Drop me an email to my marco.cantu@company address or Gmail, if you are interested.
The list of packages that have been updated includes the complete set of 14 TurboPack libraries, NexusDB Embedded, the trial versions of FirePower and InfoPower, and ICS. The last few pending packages are being updated this week. We also updated all IoT components for 10.1 Update 1 and added two additional IoT devices to the list.
posted by
marcocantu @ 10:04AM | 14 Comments
[0 Pending]
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
The bug in GetIt Package Manager is still not fixed! This is how you can REPRODUCE
the bug anytime:
1. Start the Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 1 IDE (build 24.0.24468.8770)
2. Open the GetIt Package Manager window from the Tools menu. The GetIt Package
Manager window will show only a small random subset of the GetIt Package Manager
items. Screenshot:
3. Close the GetIt Package Manager window and then reopen it. Now the GetIt Package
Manager window shows a larger random subset of the GetIt Package Manager items.
4. Close the GetIt Package Manager window and then reopen it. Now the GetIt Package
Manager window shows another random subset of the GetIt Package Manager items.
Please fix this bug ASAP. Thank you!
Comment by Peter on September 29, 11:02
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Hi Marco,
TurboPack Essentials been fixed for 10.1?
Two days ago, Getit was still throwing an
error saying can't find xxx240.bpl.
I fixed manually on my gear, but having it
installed automatically would be great.
All other TurboPack are fine.
Thank you
Comment by Benoit Le Bourhis on September 29, 11:13
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Peter, has this issue been reported in Quality Portal? I've tried on
multiple machines and cannot absolutely reproduce it, nor I've ever
seen it in the past. It could be due to a mix of local caching of data
and slowness in fetching more information -- that list is populated as
data is received, but some data comes from the registry.
Benoit, there is an open issue with Essentials for C++. one of the few
standing problems we are looking into.
Comment by Marco Cantu
on September 29, 14:11
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Tried to install VirtualStringTree 6.1 from 6.0. Get
it couldn't uninstall 6.0 so I did manually, and
updated registry. Then attempted to install 6.1, it
compiles package xxx230 successfully, then attempts to
install package xxx240, and fails.
Also just tried to install updated version of
FastReports FMX. downloads and then runs the
installer which stays in the background and is
unreachable (alt-tab even fails to bring it forward).
Couldn't configure the install through Getit. Had to
close everything out and install it directly from the
And you mention that NexusDB embedded is available,
why doesn't it show up for me in my available packages?
Comment by Alberto on September 29, 18:27
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Attempting to install "VirtualTree for VCL 6.1" under 10.1 fails.
Hopefully that will be fixed soon. The installation procedure has
been broken for a long time.
Comment by Simon H. on September 29, 20:07
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Alberto, it is possible that having an older installation can cause
conflicts, as GetIt does cache data locally. It is working for me.
Simon, which kid of error are you getting. Works for me and for
others who tested this. Which error are you getting?
For both, feel free to follow up over email, rather than in blog
Comment by Marco Cantu
on September 30, 10:44
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Marco, I've filed the bug in Quality Control:
Comment by Peter on October 2, 13:24
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
Where is the android SDK in the getit manager?
It would seem there's a whole chapter about the SDK
gone missing?
Comment by Thomas on October 6, 07:57
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
""The installer for RAD Studio installs the Android
development tools by default. If you opted out in the
RAD Studio installer, you can also Install the Android
development tools using GetIt Package Manager. ""
But,. it isn't. At least not in Berlin?
Comment by Thomas on October 6, 08:06
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
the SDK is available in GetIt, but it is not installed directly. It is
available in the Platform Manager, if you used GetIt for install. And
if you configure the the SDK references in the IDE it should prompt
you to download the SDK.
Ultimately, if this doesn't work, you can download the SDK and
NDK from the Android developer site, install manually, and just
configure the RAD Studio IDE to use the SDK/NDK tools from a
given folder
Comment by Marco Cantu
on October 6, 09:09
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
It did prompt, but fails to find it. (forgot what the
exact message was)
The manual tools->getit package manager can't find
anything android related. (plenty of other stuff for
iOT however)
We have a "Professional with Mobile" license.
So, I went the manual route,. unfortunately the latest
SDK/NDKs seem to be missing some files. Namely:
zipalign.exe, adb.exe, aapt.exe
The android-22 folder as well - but that was relocated
Is there a recommended android SDK/NDK version we
should be using with Berlin? A direct link perhaps even?
Comment by Thomas on October 11, 07:53
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
> Simon, which kind of error are you getting.
> Works for me and for others who tested this.
> Which error are you getting?
Really strange that you got it working, because it shouldn't unless
you change the project file for VirtualTrees. This is the response I
got from Emb. support regarding the issue :
My name is Steve Axtell. I am looking at this case.
I was able to reproduce the problem. The problem is caused by
the fact that the LibSuffix for the packages has been left as 230,
which would be appropriate for 10 Seattle. I was able to fix the
problem by doing the following:
1. Open <my
TreeView-6.1\Packages\Delphi\VirtualTreesDD.dproj in the IDE.
2. Go to Project | Options | Description
3. Select All Configurations in the dropdown at the top and
Change Lib Suffix to 240.
4. Save the project.
5. Repeat for <My
7. Go back into Getit and repeat the installation.
Because the files are already present, Getit will use them and the
installation should succeed this time because Getit will find the
packages containing 240 in the name.
I'll let those concerned know about the problem.
Will it be fixed anytime soon ?
Comment by Simon H. on October 19, 10:21
Updating RAD Studio GetIt Package Manager Content for Berlin
I have the same problem in Berlin 10.1 and your
decription fixed not the problem.
Comment by Filout on November 2, 12:58
Changes here change 10.0 Seattle?
I have RAD Studio Architect 10 Seattle. I just tried
to update the ICS package from 8.18 that has been
installed for awhile to 8.34 since I saw it available. I
uninstalled 8.18 first, then went to install 8.34 and
got an error: Downloading Library "ICS for FMX
and VCL"... License status check failure (Error
code: -3)
I then tried to install several other random packages jus
just to see if it was ICS only, and they ALL do the sam
same. My license is fine.
Just wondering if the work being done on the Berlin p
packages in GETIT have any effect on the Seattle v
Comment by Ken on February 18, 23:11
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