Among several changes and sales initiatives happening at Embarcadero during this month, there are two worth underlining and both related with the components the company acquired this year from Raize software, Konopka Signature VCL Controls and CodeSite Studio. I probably don't need to spend too much time extolling the virtues of this set of high-quality controls, with superb integrated designers, and of the complete version of CodeSite, many of you use in the feature-limited version that ships with the IDE.

What I want to point out in this blog post is that Embarcadero decided to permanently change the pricing structure of both add-ons, with a first year fee now already including 1 year of updates, a lower yearly renewal, and a simplified upgrade pricing. The savings are quite substantial, so if you were considering the tools and decided not to buy because of the price, it is worth reconsidering and checking the new offer on your local Embarcadero online store or with your local reseller.

The second initiative related with these add-ons is for anyone looking forward to buy a license of Delphi, C++Builder or RAD Studio 10 Seattle, either new or upgrade. As you can read on if you buy the Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate editions the Konopka Controls and CodeSite Studio will be free, while if you buy you the Architect edition you get for free the entire RAD Solution Pack, worth several thousand Dollars or Euros. Act now, as these offers expire on December 18th.

For two videos introducing the components and a different angle on these offers, see also