In two weeks I'll host an online webinar about modernizing Windows applications written with the VCL. Live events on a similar topic are ongoing in Europe, and I'm presenting one in Milan next week.

The Online Webinar, March 19

The webinar is on Wednesday March 19th (the first day of spring), repeated 3 times during the day. You can sign up at . Topics include:

  • Pure migration form XP and from old versions of Delphi (moving to Unicode, User Account Control, recompiling old Delphi applications)
  • Modernizing applications with new styles, graphic support, following Windows 8 Modern UI, using new dialogs, and so on
  • Upgrading data access to today's world, moving away from the BDE, using FireDAC, using cloud and REST servers, looking into Live Bindings
  • Peering into what's new in the language
  • Mentioning why, how, and when move to FMX.

The Webinar Focus: VCL and XP Migration

As you can see from the list above, the webinar should take about 100 hours, but due to time constrains we will ZIP it into a single hour. Needless to say, it will be more of an overview, but with enough technical information to get you started. The goal is primarily developers who are still targeting Windows XP with old versions of Delphi, but the content is rich and wide enough that most Delphi developers will have a change to learn some new tricks.

If you know other Delphi developers stuck in the past, let them know about this webinar, as this is a way for them to understand how the product is evolving. And if you know developers still focused on Windows XP as a target platform, notice they have a month left to migrate their applications according to Microsoft.

Seriously, moving away from Windows XP is a very significant business requirement these days, worth your effort and worth your customers attention. But given this is a significant topic, I'll blog about it separately.

Live Event in Milan Next Week

Finally, let me point out to an Italian event with a similar focus, a Delphi Live meeting in Milan, next Tuesday (March 11th), in the morning. Sign up at  (I'll be giving the session in Milan, but not the one in Rome, where Daniele Teti will be speaking). There are other similar sessions happening around Europe, like in Germany and Russia.