Today I've added three new chapters to my free Delphi 2006 ebook. The new chapters cover Delphi database support, with a particular focus on the Unicode support of the TDataset and TField classes, among others. The database section of the VCL is fully Unicode-enabled in Delphi 2006, something Borland has not underlined a lot but I find very relevant. (By the way, this can also cause some limited incompatibilities with existing Delphi database code).

I've also added a short chapter summary (with the section titles) in the main page and increased the font. I'm publishing this material on the Web using an XSLT-base conversion from the old OpenOffice 1.0 format. My plan is to move to ODF, improve it, and use it to published many more HTML-based ebooks on basic and advanced Delphi topics alike.

The problem is I'm still trying to figure out a reasonable model to get some money out of this huge effort... Google advertising is not enough, from what I can see, so some of the (advanced) material might have to be paid for. Or I might find a sponsor. We'll see. For now I still have to finish a few chapters of this Delphi 2006 ebook update for Mastering Delphi 2005.