First edition of the webinar done over the past two hours (1 hour of recorded webinar plus some questions), two more to go this evening and into the night. I think we had a good group of attendees, given the very focused topic.

I've uploaded a document with notes, links, and some code is available. Is it not a full white paper, only the slides material with some notes, it is unedited, missed the last few demos and the Mac part, but provides companion information for those who attended (might be hard to follow everything if you were not online: there is still a chance to register for the following events, later today/romorrow).

Follow the link to get the InterBaseToGoWebinarNotes.pdf (11 pages, 350 KB). Might update it later today or tomorrow, with some extra code, and more Q&A. Will also prepare a code download file.

Update: The Source Code

There is now also a source code download (300 KB ZIP file) and an update to the PDF (same link as above).