CodeGear has published on their Developer Network web site the second of a series of five white papers I wrote for them. The material is exctracted and adapted from my Delphi 2009 Handbook. The topic of this second white paper is new language features, and the title (which I didn't pick, but like) is "White Paper: Using New Delphi Coding Styles and Architectures"

This title is correct, as it really tells the huge difference the language in Delphi 2009 can make for the architecture and coding style of your Delphi applications, even the VCL and database ones. You can downlaod the PDF from Three more white papers on Delphi 2009 to come, covering IDE changes, VCL and Ribbon, and DataSnap 2009.

PS. The Developer Network page shows clearly I'm the author, while the White Paper cover page misses that (differently from the first white paper). There is a reference in the final page, though.