February 9, 2006
Here are a few more links and info...
The DevRel chat last night (my time) was quite interesting. The unofficial mp3 of it is available here. I'm puzzled by the fact it was repeated many times that the Delphi IDE will retain its ALM capabilities... Personally I hope it does not, or at least not in their current form (more on this later).
There is a thread on slashdot here, with lots of people talking about Delphi without having a clue (but also some interesting posts). "There are no relevant products being written in Delphi"? Never heard about Skype? Never visited TwoCows?
Borland Developers' thoughts? Here are a few (I've started with Allen's list and added a couple, hope he doesn't mind):
There is also much wild speculation about which company should buy Borland (with names like Google, Apple, IBM, Novell, Oracle being mentioned too often) and even the rumor that MS might be interested in buying the ALM side of the company... but it seems a little early to have a clear picture. We'll have to wait and see...
posted by
marcocantu @ 11:41AM | 14 Comments
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More info on Borland selling Delphi
Its really the core of the problem, Delphi is one of
the most used tools for strategic applications with
thousands of users worldwide. But nobody knows because
for the last 5 years we have been effectively locked
out from promoting and advertising the benefits of
Delphi. There has never been a better opportunity for
a capable tool as Delphi - more and more companies are
seeking to integrate their business with strategic
applications - Delphi food!
Comment by Eilef Handeland on February 9, 16:05
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I really hope it won't be MS who buys Borland's IDEs.
Otherwise it'd be the biggest disappointment in my
Comment by Muzaffar Mahkamov on February 10, 13:51
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I've been using Delphi for almost 8 years for
development and was able to "convert" some vc++/vb
people to Delphi, to prove in my community that
Delphi is a non-beatable RAD tool and an evolving
(unlike c++ which is bound to standards) high-end
Comment by Muzaffar Mahkamov on February 10, 13:59
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I believe its a postive news, but the key point was
who is the buyer of new DelphiCo, I am interesting
when we can get an answer of that...
But whatever happened, its really hurt when I realized
after that we are not borlanders anymore.....
Comment by Alex on February 10, 17:36
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I hope all the hopes in the posts of the Delphi team
are going to become true... but how could we offer
new Delphi developments to our customers in the next
weeks (months?) until someone buys Delphi and tells
us what will be of it?
Borland's announcement has been a real stab in the
back. I wonder what they would have done if they
didn't care for their customers... wiping out all of
our code? <g>
Comment by Luigi D. Sandon on February 10, 17:53
More info on Borland selling Delphi
My hopes are as everyone - may we see a great new dawn
for Delphi again - I certainly do not want to use any
other tools on the short term - their maturity level,
ease of use and speed of development is too slow at
this stage. Time is money in the small(er) business
world - we cannot afford huge life cycle tools etc.
Comment by saveDelphi
on March 7, 13:39
Borland selling Delphi
I've used borland products for over 20 years.
I've writen over 1.7 million lines of code that I own
the IP to.
I stopped at Delphi 5 because the upgrades did very
little to add functionality or productivity gains to
my existing projects. Upgrades generally had gotchas
that introduced bugs into deliverable products. so
the cost to advantage ratio just wasn't there for me.
I purchased Delphi 8 mainly to support Borland.
Unfortunately it was such a piece of junk I returned
it and asked to upgrade to version 7. No-one got
back to me and sold me Delphi 7. Is it any wonder
they are on the ropes financially. Their sales team
did not stay in touch with customers! I don't know
how many Borland products I purchased over the years
but I never got a call, a survey or an e-mail to see
what was happening at the grass roots. Come to
think I filled a lame survey once. It never asked
any probing questions!
Afer Borland changed their name and then changed it
back I knew without a doubt the management was not in
touch with reality.
I hope the new owners will realise that the
environment is a productivity tool. Extra features
must improve the nuts and bolts productivity.
That's my 2 cents worth
Comment by [email protected] on April 28, 11:57
Novel solution
Perhaps if interest was strong enough all us delphi
developers could form a co-operative by each buying
shares in a new start up company. With the cash we
buy out Borland and own Delphi ourselves !!!
Any support out there ?
Comment by [email protected]
on April 28, 15:24
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I have been programming in Borland Delphi for 5 years.
I found it to be very professional tool.
I am really sad to hear that Borland is selling it.
I hope that the company who buys it will improve it
and promote it in the market, and I hope that Delphi
won't have the fate of Paradox.
All I can say to tou guys is "Keep up the good faith".
Comment by Remzi Kurshumliu
on June 23, 17:35
More info on Borland selling Delphi
Delphi had a long time... I thought it is going to day
earlies way erlier but it didn't thanking to stupid
people as you folks, cuz you kept buying a piece of
shit product.
First delphi is pascal and pacal was invented to teach
students on how to programer, to actually learn the
baby steps therefore delphi is a baby programming
language which really sucks, if it was good Anders
Hejlsberg would have continued to work for borland.
No one will be delphi thats for sure, ms might buy it
for the sake of ending it forever, but delphi as a
programming language is long time dead.
GO JAVA , language no.1 in the world
"Iljaz is Gorna Lapashtica - Podujevo."
Comment by Iljaz Shabani on July 12, 15:44
More info on Borland selling Delphi
what a pile of ... nonsense. Delphi is not dead,
millions of developers are using it. All stupid?
Delphi is being used for tons of professional products
(can you spell S-k-y-p-e?), how can you call it "shit"?
Object Pascal and Delphi are great languages, like the
original Pascal exactly because it was meant for clean
and robust coding (and teaching it). You rather like
the syntax of a low-level microcontroller language
(like C)? Your take... If Andres is such a genius (and
I think he is)... how comes he worked on this language
13 years before moving?
I have nothing against Java, why are you so upset by
Delphi? Similar "piece-of-crap" blog talkback is not
welcomed here.
Comment by Marco Cantù
on July 13, 16:25
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I've been using Delphi for almost 9 years for small
and big size project developments. I have used
delphi with Mysql, Corelab and Developer Express
components very succesfully. I think that mysql and
delphi makes too strong programme development
environment. I wish mysql Ab buys borland ide and
add the expected futures to delphi.
Delphi is still the most rad,
easy to find document and free components in the
stable and strong with mysql ,
still easy to code even for big projects according
to c#
so never die...
Comment by atilla ergüzen on August 22, 01:38
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I agree with Atilla. I and My team still use Delphi
with flying colours, too. MySQL and Delphi the best DB
and IDE. Synchronization of them is top.
Programming approach of Delphi is very robust and easy
to understand. In my opinion, especially for database
application the Delphi IDE supports everything that
you need.
Delphi will never die.
Comment by Emre Özgür İnce
on September 18, 13:31
More info on Borland selling Delphi
I've been using Deplhi since 1995. I can truly attest
that it is a very powerful language with a very
powerful IDE. The maintenance is easy, the deployment
is smooth.
We're also lucky enough to have competent 3rd party
components which can actually become a reason why
somebody should choose Delphi. Example: Corelab's
database components.
While it's no longer 1999, Delphi is very much alive.
Hundreds of thousands of coders in can attest to that.
Comment by Furious on September 25, 09:04
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