May 4, 2006
Larry O'Brien and David I have started an interesting discussion about Delphi, other languages, IDEs, and the like. Here is my take.
Larry O'Brien writes about DevCo and Delphi
April 15th issue of SD Times, Larry O'Brien (former editor in chief
of Computer Languages, Software Development Magazine, and renowed tech journalist... and also a friend, even if we
haven't been in touch for some time) covers the recent "disinvestiture" of the IDEs by Borland. The articles covers
many issues. About Delphi he starts by saying that:
"The Delphi line is rooted in the understanding that programmers and programming languages matter."
That's certainly an interesting point. Delphi has often been and is still the programmers' choice, more than
the manager's one. However, Larry continues by saying that:
"The Delphi language itself is well past its peak, and with its Pascal roots is
on the wrong side of trends in syntax. Short of a grand rewrite creating a Delphi-in-name-only, the language has
little potential for future growth."
"Past its peak" when it was updated so heavily over the last couple of
versions? It might not be as cool as other languages (Ruby, Python, Java, C#?) but it is far from being dead. And
regarding the syntax, the C-language one is popular in Java and C#, but many scripting languages are based on a
different style. It is certainly true that the Delphi IDE has been losing ground to Visual Studio, as Borland didn't invest enough (if you don't consider the ALM story) over the last few years,
but it is certainly not losing out to Eclipse... and it's still quite a good IDE.
Larry Writes about the David I Phone Call
On his blog, Larry writes about a phone call he got from David I. Here, Larry expands his view, reiterating his points on Delphi:
"I was speaking primarily about the trend away from structural explicitness and secondarily about the prevalence of C-language syntax...
I highly doubt that the addition of features such as generics, closures, or even LINQ to Delphi will be sufficient to cause a resurgence in popularity...
I just don’t see this decade’s market embracing the explicitness of Pascal-like language design..."
As some of the comments (and Nick in his blog) noted, I also find a little confusion here. On one side, I don't buy the prevalence of the C-language syntax only because of C# and Java. There are many scripting languages based on a different syntax /Python, Ruby...), there is VB, and there are many others. The discussion about structural explicitness is interesting, but I don't see anything in Delphi preventing it more than C# or Java or other languages. I second the idea of a Delphi scripting language,
with the same syntax but a different programming style, but that's a different story. Moreover, Delphi popularity seems quite underestimated, like the popularity of Win32 development. And few languages (if DevCo brings us back Kylix) could have the same broadness: native compiler and virutal execution system with the same code!
Larry's Trends in Language Syntax
Larry further enforces his point in another blog post, in which he explains that "trends in Anders Hejlsberg's work [include]
the obvious switch to a C-style syntax and a trend away from
Niklaus Wirth's philosophy of an explicit nested structuring of programmatic components". Beside this C-style obsession, in his explanation the post is very interesting, and includes many examples. One of them struck me:
"In C# 3.0, there are extension methods, which allow an instance method to be specified independently of the file(s) in which the class was originally declared."
This sounds a lot like Delphi's class helpers to me. Actually it looks like they borrowed it! A class helper allows you to add an istance method to an existing class from a different Delphi unit, and even compile this unit in a different assembly. This was introduced in Delphi 8, almost 3 years ago. C# 3.0 was introduced... oh, wait, it's not released yet! So maybe Delphi has beaten C# exactly in this specific trend! I'm certainly ironic here, but there is some truth!
(Before I forget, let me state more clearly that I often appreciate Larry's writings, even if he is Microsoft biased from time to time, and the fact he's not an expert in Delphi is fully understandable. Also, I find his blog very interesting as he touches on many topics, from Ruby to .NET, from Mono to industry trends. And my best wishes to his wife!).
David I's Reply
One more post to go. David I actually replied to Larry, in his May 2nd post from Europe. He counters, among other things:
He also notes that "Is it hard to compete with free? We were the first vendor to create and ship free fully functional foundation editions, well before Eclipse and well before VS Express editions." I read this as an announcement that we'll get entry level free versions again.
Let's cross our fingers. And long live Delphi!
posted by
marcocantu @ 1:42AM | 25 Comments
[0 Pending]
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Delphi has lost a LOT of ground against Visual Studio
(specially) and it keeps losing more and more
developers, and those developers are not coming
and I don't see how it will get new ones, also the
two versions of Delphi packed with bugs didn't help
that's going to be the biggest problem for "DevCo",
what does Delphi offer? since it is a lot more
the response so far has been "Delphi is for the
independent developer-small-middle companies"... that
doesn't help much either
Comment by Eber Irigoyen
on May 4, 01:59
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
> It might not be as cool as other languages (Ruby,
>Python, Java, C#?) but it is far from being dead.
I think that misses it all.
Delphi was about the VCL- I could do in an afternoon
what would take me a -LOT- longer to do in the MFC and
what probably wasn't possible in VB(at least without
going to another language).
I think the same issue applies with Java- it wasn't so
much about the language (decent as it was) as it was
about the libraries.
If you didn't like Pascal, then you probably didn't
consider Delphi unless the richness of the VCL brought
you in.
If the VCL brought you in, then there's no reason to
stick around now that everyone's on an even footing
under the .NET framework.
But if you simply loved Pascal (Delphi, Modula, etc),
then Delphi was essentially your only competitive
choice and still is, and you'll continue to be stuck
in this tiny minority-- except you're stuck with an
even smaller company (Does it even HAVE an official
name yet?) with an even more dubious future.
Comment by bob
on May 4, 02:27
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Ah~ 16 bit Windows applications.... When will Delphi 1
be released in Borland museum? Or simply let those
registered BDS users downloading it? I miss Delphi 1...
Comment by william on May 4, 04:04
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
I use RemObjects to add Delphi scripting to
projects. There are a number of delphi scripting
engines out there, but I have found that RemObject's
implementation is the easiest to use and to
integrate directly with my project (to allow for
native application objects to be used by the script).
Delphi did *NOT* invent class helpers, and infact
borrowed the idea from other languages such as
Lisp. I like the feature, but it's time to admit
that Borland blew it. Part of facing that fact is
not trying to take credit for other people's work.
(see all the patent for procedural pointers that
Borland holds but in truth maps directly to single
machine code instructions making it significantly
less than new or novel)
However, I suspect the feeling that Delphi has
failed to grow has more to do with the poor efforts
put forth of late, including the whole namespace
fiasco (namespaces are totally misimplemented in
Deplhi, which is a surprise since Turbo Pascal &
Delphi have supported the concept of namespaces for
scoping since forever! It should have been a simple
transition with keywords "project" and "unit"
becoming synonymos with name space, but sadly, they
went a totally different way)
Will Delphi do Linq? I sure hope so. WIthout it,
Delphi will officially be a dead language that
failed to grow. Is it the next big thing. Using
sql syntax to manipulate data sets from ANY source
to improve data management is simply too great a
feature to either ignore or miss implement. If
Delphi misses Linq, it will indeed die shortly there
Fortunately, we already have competition in the
Pascal space from FreePascal and RemObjects, and
RemObjects at least has already comitted to
supporting Linq.
Is Delphi dead? No, but it could go either way
fast. Is Pascal dead? Definitely not. Pascal will
go forward, the only question is whether the writers
of Delphi can avoid more classic mismangement
Comment by Xepol on May 4, 08:23
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Let's tell the truth: Java used C-like syntax not
because it is "better", just because they wanted it
to appeal to the C/C++ developer. C# was designed to
appeal to Java and C/C++ developers. PHP used the
same approach, while Python didn't.
It was more a marketing decision, rather than a
technical one. Does syntax matter so much, after all?
Borland has always been able to extend Pascal keeping
a proper semantic.
I never understood why Pascal has been always blamed
over the years, Is Pascal verbose? Other widely used
languages like BASICs are even worse. Is Pascal
obsolete? It had to change far less than other
languages over the years - why BASICs looks so much
alike Pascal nowadays?
The only real drawback of Pascal now it is no longer
actively teached in schools and univerities. Maybe it
is better - I believe most myths about Pascal were
born because it was a "teaching" language, therefore
it could not be "good" - good code is the one you
can't read easily, good coders do are warriors, they
do not write readable code, they fight unreadable
one... :)
Comment by Luigi D. Sandon on May 4, 11:12
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Doesn't matter what the future is but the FACT is
Delphi is the only COMPLETE tool to develop desktop
applications(thats what I do).
VCL has matured over years and there is nothing that
even comes close to it. Dotnet is good, C# has very
nice features, but doesn't have good controls to
develop applications. Dotnet will mature but it will
take time. For now Delphi is king of the hill.
Comment by Sandeep Chandra on May 4, 11:26
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Interesting post and comments!
I would like just to put this post from Marco's in
comparaison with the recent interview Nigel brown gave
to <a
target="new">"The register"</a>.<br>It's interesting
to compare the 2 articles while one speak about the
past and present whenNigel speaks about the future!
Marco's comment has also this nice example about the
Class helper that justifies Nigel comment about our
competitors implementing our technology and presenting
it as "new" 3 years after us (FYI, I'm a Borland IDE
Support Engineer).
From this I think, that "DevCo" - which is still a
codename for the divestiture - has full of potential
and may gain a large part from his loss in the last
years if we have a proper investment in Marketing and
promotion. Our R&D are able to give very high quality
software and Delphi 2006 proves it but Business is
business and each product needs to be promoted
correctly to fight against the concurrent and
according to Nigel and David I and other Borland
people who publishes regularly this was missing to the
IDe product in the past years. <br>So From all the
blogposts it seems "Devco" got a view on the future
and actually it may have this view thanksfully the
divestiture that forced them to lookin their assests
and I'm sure you will see Delphi and Jbuilder and the
other IDE tools coming back and giving you more than
you ever expected.
Comment by Paul Dessart
on May 4, 11:54
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Delhi has lost its ground to VS only in terms of IDE
and only because of pricing.
In terms of visual library MFC/wxWidgets and other C/C
++ libraries are nowhere near to VCL.
In terms of syntax I prefer Pascal one. Those curly
braces drive me crazy when there's lot of them (and
using braces with while/if/do...). And is there
something like "with ... do" syntax in C/C++? No. Are
there properties and events in C++ standard (we do
not consider vendor hacks)? No. So, Pascal is much
more mature than C/C++.
Comment by Muzaffar Mahkamov on May 4, 12:31
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Muzaffar -> yer kidding right? dotNet Forms blows
the doors of the VCL now. Data binding everywhere,
you can test visual components as you design them,
you can easily create visual property editors (and
test them as you design them).
The tools api is well documented, the IDE has
macros, it has features that Borland is playing
catch up to. Macros, script languages, keybindings..
Third parties can add languages to VS as well (check
out RemObject's Chrome)
VS has gone well beyond what BDS is capable of
doing, the dotNet framework is what the VCL should
have evolved into.
How did this happen? Easy, Borland lost Anders to
MS, and Anders is a driving force behind dotNet, C#,
and thus VS. Rather than play the hate MS for being
MS game, understand that the brains that made Delphi
great to begin with have moved on, and Borland never
really filled the roll.
It is going to take delphi a long, long time to
catch up again on the framework and IDE
capabilities. It will be even longer before they
could ever consider leading again. (and I doubt
that Delphi will ever reclaim its lead in
documentation which was lost with D3)
That said, I still use Delphi myself, but you can be
sure I also have VS in my tools now also. If you
let emotion rule your skill set, you're just
shooting yourself in the foot.
Comment by Xepol on May 5, 03:00
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
"dotNet Forms blows the doors of the VCL now"
Thank you, I need to laugh sometimes.
WinForms sucks, compared to VCL. VS form editor is
still a joke, Delphi 1 one is still far better. Try
to look for action list, or menus with icons,
in .NET 1.1...
Databinding everywhere? Ok, how much code you have
to write just to use a dataset?
Of course you can do something only an interpreted
language can do. But that's the price - interpreted.
Who is really building WinForms applications?
The only one I have is ATI Catalyst control center.
Slow - click it and wait a few seconds..., huge -
when is starts it reaches 60MB or RAM, just to set
some video card settings!!
That said, it's true. VCL development was noticeably
missing in the past days. Something more in BDS
2006, and the IDE was ruined in the silly attempt to
imitate VS.
MS has always been helped to win by its
competitors... Lotus, Wordperfect, IBM, Borland.
Anyway, I don't find useful keyboard macros or
keybindings (not very difficutl to add - see
GExperts), nor adding other languages to the IDE. I
don't spend my time playing with the IDE, I spend my
time writing code.
I find an integrated profiler much more useful.
I hope DevCO has learned the lesson and will
differentiate again its offer - I do not need a VS
clone, I need a powerful IDE - which is surely
different than VS.
Comment by Kent Morwath on May 6, 00:39
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
<<"We were the first vendor to create and ship free
fully functional foundation editions, well before
Eclipse and well before VS Express editions">>
I think David I have lost his mind.
First. Personal (free editions) versions of Delphi
**ARE NOT** fully functional since it doesn´t have
support to local databases and XML, while Visual
Studio Express does.
Second. Personal versions are full of bugs and have no
updates since Borland does not consider hobbyist and
casual programers as potential consumers of their
products. Just try to run BDS2005 and you will see
torrent of crashes and erros. Besides, where is
BDS2006 personal edition ?
Comment by Renato
[from Brazil]
on May 6, 00:39
WinForms blows the doors of VCL... but VCL is the "pig" with the house of bricks
Xepol, you've just told all the reasons any developer
have to choose the VCL Library instead of WinForms. :-)
Data Binding everywhere? Does WinForms have more "data
binding" where the VCL library has not?
VCL has always had support for "live data" at
designtime, WinForms only in its .NET 2.0 version.
Using "cross module references", you can place and
share a data connection component in your application
project, without the need of duplicating it or
creating support classes (read "write useless or
unnecessary code").
The new "DataSource" approach in .NET 2.0 doesn't
solve the problem.
And WinForms has not Data Modules or anything similar.
You can design user interfaces, component and property
editors as you want. At least, Delphi doesn't require
a build operation to inherit a Form or a Frame (the
equivalent of a User Control).
Delphi has a really fast compiler compared to
Microsoft VB/C# ones.
WinForms 1.0 - but reading some forums online it seems
that some problem arises also in 2.0 - has a lot of
bugs (acknowledged by Microsoft Staff) even in the
most simple controls: TreeViews that hide or show
scrollbars in the wrong way, Combo Boxes that can't be
sorted if they are on a TabSheet and bound to a
datasouce or ignoring the SelectedItem property which
has to be set twice to cancel a selection, and so on
and so on...
"The dotNet framework is what the VCL should
have evolved into"?
The VCL library is somewhat WinForms is trying to
become...some year later.
There's some confusion: .NET Framework is a platform,
VCL is a library; in fact, VCL.NET lets Delphi
developers writing new applications for the .NET
Framework using their favorite (and rich) library,
with or without classes from the FCL, and port their
existing applications if needed.
Do the same with your VB6 projects without changing
your code or taking a tour with the ugliest wizard
ever made. :-)
Again, VS supports Win32 only with C++ language.
BDS has introduced Refactoring capabilities before VS,
beside interesting features like SyncEdit, and has
Design Guidelines and Code Templates, like VS.
.NET and VS.NET are great and usable products, but I
don't really see VS taking over BDS.
Pointing at Delphi like the choice of pure emotional
and not skilled people is not fair. ;-)
Comment by Marco Breveglieri
on May 6, 04:52
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
To those talking about VCL and .NET: the original
post is about Delphi/Pascal as a language - not
about frameworks and platforms.
Is Delphi *as a language* past is peak? Is "short of
a grand rewrite creating a Delphi-in-name-only, the
language has little potential for future growth"
As far as I can see, O'Brien knows very little about
Delphi language and its history. Although strongly
based on Pascal, Borland had made "a grand rewrite
creating a Delphi-in-name-only" already - since
There is a lot in Delphi that there is not
in "Standard Pascal" - and I would like to ask
O'Brien what is missing in Delphi compared to Java
or C#. Something that is maybe missing, or was
missing - like operator overload - are bad
management decisions - not technical limits of the
language itself.
For too long management wanted to play in the same
low end area of unskilled VB programmers instead of
putting Delphi between the low-end VB development
and high end C/C++ development where it belongs.
About Pascal itself, Wirth is a scholar, he never
bothered to make Pascal a true "commercial"
language, extending it to allow for changing and new
development needs. He just went forward and invented
new languages - Modula, Oberon - that aren't
compatible with Pascal, although with a similar
syntax. C was born in an industrial environment, and
was adapted and evolved whenever needed - with
several different implementation, often ignoring
It looks that due to its strong European roots
Pascal did not attracted US software houses like US
born BASIC did, although the latter was much more
limited - and later borrowed a lot from Pascal.
It's not a coincidence that a software house made by
Europeans, French Khan and Danish Hejlsberg. And
it's not a coincidence most Delphi users are outside
the US.
As I said in my previous post, I don't believe the C-
like syntax to be "superior". Only marketing
decision made a syntax designed for resource-limited
machine and quick-and-dirty programming to become so
widely used. Many things were designed to ease the
compiler's work, not the programmer's one.
Anyway, I am waiting for an article from
O'Brien, "Is (Visual) Basic past its peak?". MS had
really to do a large rewrite to make it usable
with .NET - paid with incompatibility - why they did
not simply throw it away?
Comment by Luigi D. Sandon on May 7, 16:09
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Only a couple of short replies:
- Delphi for independent developers includes, for
example, thsoe still interested in developing for
Win32, somthing you can hardly do with Visual Studio
- the VCL is still very interesting compared to .NET
and superior in the UI area (among others)
- Maybe Borland dodn't invent class helpers, but was
the first to implement them on the CLR. If Borland
copied from LISP (which knowing a little LISP I really
hardly believe) than .NET is simply a copy of Java
plus Delphi plus other stuff. This is nonsense!
- Fully functional doens't mean "feature complete", it
means they can be used to build programs (no 30-days,
no extra stuff). And you can use them for everything,
with the proper free components.
Comment by Marco Cantù
on May 8, 17:20
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
"developing for Win32, somthing you can hardly do
with Visual Studio"
If "hardly" means "no RAD and C/C++ only" I agree.
But Win32 is still fully supported. Also, you get
Win64 that will not be available in the next release
of Delphi.
DevCO is still making the mistake to run after MS in
the .NET arena where they will be easily defeated
instead of covering areas where MS is weak (Win64
RAD, for example?).
This way they will always be a release behind. Not
Comment by Luigi D. Sandon on May 8, 19:23
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Delphi как язык программирования (да все мы знаем что
основа Pascal) впереди С/С++ как средство реализации
программ прикладного уровня. Я не спорю, и даже не
буду ломать копья с теми кто говорит что системные
программы пишутся на С. С одной оговоркой - на Делфи
их тоже можно писать и очень успешно. Ну а что
касается прикланого программирования то по
возможностям ему нет равных. Добавьте сюда огромное
количество библиотек на все случаи жизни, прекрасную
инструментальную среду и вы практически полуите рай
для программиста )
Comment by Bodom on May 10, 13:19
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
I think it rather burns down to what you can make
happen with a world known brand like Delphi by not
doing any (or at least a minimal amount) marketing.
It's wonderful what you can do with mismanagement,
mismarketing and all the rest "mis-xes".
Even though I am a great fan of Delphi, (IDE,
language and VCL), I wonder if Delphi will manage to
get back to where it was in its great days.
I have to say that I am enormously impressed by the
devotion of the staff at DevCo (my heart really go
out to you all) and the loyal developer comunity.
But this DevCo "situation" must bleed the Delphi
situation enormously.
I work at a big software consultant firm and we are
on the move over to .NET development. But there is
no way that we can go over to Delphi when the future
of Delphi still is in question. If we put our energy
in Delphi we must know that the product will be here
for a number of years to come.
What ever you feel about Microsoft as company or
their VisualStudio product, as a company it is never
wrong to go Microsoft. This like in the old days it
was never wrong to go the IBM way.
I really hope that the DevCo interim days are
numbered and there will be a real and solid company
that buys the Delphi product so that one might be
able to predict the future for the Delphi a bit more.
I still feel that the ALM product part of the
company should take the Inprise name, and that the
DevCo company should take on the Borland name.
Also if I would guess on the future, I think that
the ALM product company will have more economical
troubles than the IDE one.
Comment by Hopeful on May 11, 11:20
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Here comes the babelfish translation of the earlier
post in russian (don't know how good it is, I edited
it a little):
Delphi as the language of programming (yes we all know
that basis Pascal) in front of C/C++ as the means of
the implementation of the programs of applied level. 4
I do not argue, and even not will break spears with
those who he speaks that system programs they are
written on C. With one reservation - on Delphi also it
is possible to write them and very successfully. Well
and concerning "priklanogo" programming as far as
possible to it there are no equal. Add a here enormous
quantity of libraries in all cases of life, excellent
instrument medium and you practically poluite paradise
for the programmer)
Comment by Marco Cantù
on May 11, 12:54
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
"What ever you feel about Microsoft as company or
their VisualStudio product, as a company it is never
wrong to go Microsoft. This like in the old days it
was never wrong to go the IBM way."
It wasn't true with IBM, and it isn't with MS.
Sometime to be in block bully's company could
be "useful" in the short term, but in the long term
the bully gains all the advantages, and his lackeys
It's never wrong to go MS for MS only. A company
goals and MS ones can easily diverge - often. My
goal is to satisfy my customers' needs, not sell
more MS stuff - sorry :)
Comment by Luigi D. Sandon on May 13, 00:36
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Here's what I think and would like to see... I'll
get to the Delphi peak part at the end.
I really enjoy working with C# as a language. It
manages to incorporate the vast majority of agreeable
evolutions in OO languages elegantly and is only
getting better in very significant ways (LINQ). We
could go on and on about its cool features regardless
of where they were first thought up. As well, coming
from a VB then Delphi background, it was suprisingly
easy to learn considering I have zilch experience
with C/C++. C# is yet another hit for Hejlsberg.
However, what C# needs to be undisputed KING(IMHO)
1. Curly braces "{ }" as an option in the IDE that
can be changed to whatever the user wants (Begin/End
for example) and then changed back for
publishing/exchange purposes etc. Why? Because that
seemeth to be a big deal when it comes to language
preference. Other elements of the language could also
be preferential too and easily converted back to
the "standard" for publishing and what not. You get
the idea.
2. The option to easily link/compile components into
the .exe like you can in Delphi. Though this costs
bandwidth and diskspace, it is still my favorite way
to avoid DLL hell and enjoy that ever so
satisfying "one file application runs anywhere don't
even need a Setup program" experience.
3. This is a big one. Cross-platform Win/OSX/Linux
libraries and compilers with the Intermediate
Language thing being optional to avoid the potential
performance hits etc..
We can dream can't we?
Now for the reason we are all here...
Is Delphi past it's peak? Yes, probably. Sure it can
try and song and dance its way as a dotNet language,
but really, why bother? C# does it so well and
converting delphi win32 to .Net is not that much less
of a pain as converting it to C# IMHO.
Everything that has a begining, has an end. It is
natural and OK. However, that doesn't mean Delphi
isn't still wonderful to use and wonderfully useful
and may yet well be for some years to come. Win32
isn't going to disappear off the face of the map
anytime soon and Win64 support shouldn't be a
hugeleap. Improvements to the IDE with BDS 2006 are
welcome too.
Fankly, I think Borland was on the right path with
the cross-patform Kylix initiative but Apple/OSX is
wonderful and rising fast in it's intel-based
multibooting hardware incarnation and could really
benefit from the Delphi RAD approach... plus Apple
fans tend to not mind paying for software unlike many
Linux fans.
I would ditch the .Net / C# paradigm in a flash if
the Delphi experience ran across Win32-
64/Linux/AppleOSX! Long live the Delphi experience!
Comment by Wykananda on May 14, 05:22
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
"This is a big one. Cross-platform Win/OSX/Linux
libraries and compilers with the Intermediate
Language thing being optional to avoid the potential
performance hits etc.."
Since when MS is supporting C# on Linux? Mono? Ah
ah! Good luck. They are forced to reimplement the MS
stuff from scratch - you have no real assurance they
work the same way exactly - not like Java does, for
example. Something alike WINE.
And Mono is still (and always will) behind in
implementing .NET features.
Comment by on May 14, 20:06
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
For me, If Delphi past its peak, i'll rather move
out of the arena of Windows Programming into
Cross-Platform-Development/Web-Development rather
than going to Microsoft...
Microsoft are best in many things but not in the
making of compiler
In Microsoft, a programmer will eventually suffer...
Many programmer-friends of mine write unneccesary
codes, duties which are for the compiler...
I love code/component reuse, but it is like
Microsoft cant vow towards that end... VS will fail
in that... Thats seen in the number of changes btw
dotNet1.0 ... 2./%$#^&
Satisfying our Customers is a point, but should I
suffer for it...
People who migrate from Delphi to C#.NET are
inexperienced about Software Design Phylosophy...
C#.NET and DotNet are bth immature... Should I be
used as an experimental setup... I believe bth
programmers & their clients will suffer this...
DELPHI's way is a sufficient technology for a DELPHI
programmer... learn C# for knowledge sake
<[email protected]>
Comment by Demoore on November 1, 01:29
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
I have read all the comments that seems from either
camp. But persons like me have different argument.
Every product does have their own advantages and own
grounds. As long as these grounds are alive , these
things never ran out (for example VB is still in
development even though MS has finished its support,
so how can a language can die whose support is still
Any person who feels that changing language is
important , i think its wrong, for me the design and
architecture is important step and you can develop
your requirments with few glitched in any major
language (especially OO langs). Therefore, i dont
think so it can ruin your life as long as you stick to
the basics.
Comment by Usman Bashirq
on July 4, 15:40
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
Quite a while I’m working on my product “Poppy and
Rose” which you can download it here:
The game is made in the program language Delphi 6 and
I hope that it will take your attention.
Please, after you try the game and study it a little
bit, if you can answer the following questions:
- How can I find a video game tester, the best case is
that to be some volunteer who will test the game and
it will give me critics about the game.
- How is your opinion for the essential value of the game?
- What do you think about the UI of the game (it is
made in Delphi 6), can I make it better and can I get
some suggestions of how can I do that?
- In which category will you put this game (maybe
- Is there any company that in cooperation with me can
commercialize the game?
- I think that playing on this video game in network
can be a real challenge! Do you think same?
Thank you,
Janev Blagoj
Comment by janev blagoj
on July 7, 16:18
Delphi past its peak? Here comes another language war...
<[email protected]> Said:
Borland no longer exists, and it was sold for much
less that it was paid to any of those companies that
Borland bougth in past years.
I always prefered Delphi instead Vb, but the fact is
that Vb was always more poopular than Delphi.
So, I'm missing what kind of rule Borland did in past
years. Delphi was the best product from Borland,
folowed by first versions from JBuilder. But after
eclipse and VS.NET, that magic have gone forever. I
still hope that embarcadero can give us an refreshing
surprise in a near future, but I dont know if this can
really happen someday...
Comment by Christiano Coutinho on January 3, 04:20
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