Next Wednesday, June 14th, I'll give a keynote at the Delphi Day conference in Piacenza, Italy, which is also the city where I live (short trip, for sure). This is a conference I used to organize in the past and that Paolo Rossi and Wintech Italia are continuing to put together, with a fairly impressive group of speakers, Embarcadero MVPs, present and former members of Delphi R&D team.

I'll give a keynote, probably not too technical, and I'm likley going to give it in Italian. But I'll be around the entire day, and likley also stop by the day before (some of the pre-conference seminars are very interesting!). For all information and to sign up (the conference cost is nominal, just pays for the food) see:

I hope to see a lot of Italian Delphi developers there, as usual.