April 7, 2015
Today Embarcadero technologies released RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and C++Builder XE8. Another great step forward for Windows/VCL and multi-device/FireMonkey developers.
Today Embarcadero Technologies released RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and C++Builder XE8 (press release at www.embarcadero.com/press-releases/major-new-release-rad-studio-xe8). Another great step forward for Windows/VCL and multi-device/FireMonkey developers. Product pages:
As you can see in the main banner images, a core theme is connectivity, with improvements in AppTethering (between VCL and mobile), BlueTooth support, and now also Beacons support in the box. But connectivity is also a driver for the new HTTP client library (also for VCL) based on platform HTTP and HTTPS support (no OpenSSL required), connecting to the GetIt repository to add packages to the IDE, track applications usage by connecting them to the AppAnalytics service, connecting to mobile devices using Push Notifications in EMS, and connecting with Teradata database servers in FireDAC.
Of course, this is only a subset of the new features, with the new iOS 64-bit platform now available, including support for Apple Universal Applications (single app with both 32bit and 64bit binaries), and that is for both Delphi and C++. iOS 64-bit support is highly backwards compatible with existing FireMonkey mobile source code, much more than if you are using Xcode or Xamarin.
There are many new features in the IDE, including developers productivity enhancements, the already mentioned GetIt package manager, a new less cluttered Welcome page, the multi-device preview, direct support for DUnitX and Mercurial version control system... I could continue, with all of the FireMonkey features (from the MapView component to desktop browser component), but you can visit the web site for lots of short product videos, highlighting the features, and you can also refer to the Feature Matrix, which is now a single document shared among the three products www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/rad-studio-feature-matrix.pdf (PDF).
For learning more, wait for your maintenance download (because you are moving to update subscription, aren't you?), download a trial (just follow the links in the respective product pages) or sign up to the RAD Preview
RAD XE8 Launch webinar in Thursday at forms.embarcadero.com/WindowsAndBeyond_AnnouncingRADStudio. I'll be online with the other RAD Studio product managers, talk to you at the webinar...
PS. I'll also visit quite a few countries and events to talk about XE8 in person, stay tuned for the details and also for way more technical information about the product in the coming days and weeks.
posted by
marcocantu @ 10:14AM | 32 Comments
[0 Pending]
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
What's happened to the Recharge pricing?! I was looking forward to
this version and after upgrading to XE6 Professional then a Recharge
to XE7 Professional and FireDAC and Mobile, then getting a separate
upgrade to C++ Builder it looks like it's going to cost between £800
and £1200 to upgrade again less than a year after the previous
upgrade. I mean, you're free to charge what you like but I think it's
shortsighted with the market/competition as it is at the moment. I'm
out of it if that's what it's going to cost more than once a year and
I've been onboard since Delphi 1, shame.
Comment by Pete G on April 7, 11:52
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
It seems C++ 11 support for VCL 32 Bits users is not
for this release finaly.
Why should we wait soo long .... There's a revolution
on C++ World, and C++ Builder users must wait
Comment by Laurent on April 7, 12:45
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Hi Marco,
I'm eager for the "...email instructions on accessing
the maintenance portal to redeem your free copy." for
those who purchased XE7 during the promotion period.
Comment by Wilfred Oluoch
on April 7, 15:29
Recharge to XE8
the recharge plan is not available for all customers, but it is still
available for customers who got XE7 using recharge. So if you
recharged to XE7 you still qualify. You'd probably need to contact
sales, not sure about the process.
However, we highly recommend moving from recharge to update
subscription (with more benefits), and trying to formulate a
migration plan with a specific offer. I don't think this is available
today, should be ASAP.
Comment by Marco Cantu
on April 7, 15:31
C++ 11 for Win32 and XE8
Laurent, we are also disappointed this had to be delayed, in favor of
the new iOS 64-bit C++ compiler. C++ 11 Win32 support is
scheduled for 2015, according with the most recent RAD Studio
Comment by Marco Cantu
on April 7, 15:33
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Is there a list of the bug fixes anywhere? I saw the
big list of new features but can't seem to find fixes
Comment by Michael on April 7, 16:03
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
350+ bugs reported by customers fixed in XE8, see the link below
Comment by Marco Cantu
on April 7, 16:19
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Any general IDE performance improvements from XE6 to XE8?
Coming from Delphi 7, the overall performance of XE6 is
atrocious. The only thing that would be of interest to us
in an upgrade is a faster IDE.
Comment by Cameron Cole on April 7, 16:33
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Is there any relief from the IDE out of memory issues
that have been with us since XE3 time frame.
I would love to upgrade to a more recent version but
I'm stuck using XE2 until we can compile more than
once or twixe before getting out of memory problems.
(I understand the IDE going to 64 bit is the real fix,
but hoped that some mitigations could be put in place
in the intermin.)
Comment by John Furlong on April 7, 19:00
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Very excited about this fascinating release.
Question: Does the XE8 IDE now run without display
problems on 4K/5K monitors?
Comment by Peter on April 7, 22:42
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Window 10 support was promised in Delphi roadmap of
this year however I did not see that feature at all.
Does windows 10 support coming in near future ?
Comment by Divyesh Vadhwana
on April 8, 07:07
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
I've just installed XE8 and am sorely disappointed.
What has happened to the help system? It seems to have
been split between the various topics (FMX, VCL, etc
all in their own file), which makes looking for
something a nightmare. Also, the non-visual classes
are completely missing. The first thing I tried to
find, just as a test, was TStringList - it's nowhere
to be found. Not even in the docwiki. It's the same
for all the non-visual types. Plus, nothing happens
when you press F1 now.
Comment by Dale McLoughlin on April 8, 08:55
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Actually, after some more exploration, I have to take
back some of my criticism. I did eventually find
TStringList (in the System Library help file), and
pressing F1 in the code editor *does* work, although
it didn't for me the first few times I tried it (I
don't know why). However, I have found that opening
the help system from the "Help Contents" button in the
top Toolbar and then trying to search the index often
causes the whole IDE to become unresponsive. Maybe
it's trying to index the help files or something, but
I gave up on it after several try, crash, kill episodes.
Comment by Dale McLoughlin on April 8, 10:40
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
The help system is now based on CHM files, which is a
good decision in my opinion, as the previous help
system never did really work. F1 on keywords works
perfectly now. TStringList is found in less than 1
second! Finally a help system that really works - thank
But what happened to FAVORITE PROJECTS in the Welcome
Page? I need this, please put it back in!
Comment by Peter on April 8, 17:48
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Does the new HTTP Client classes with native SSL support mean
that the REST client components use native SSL now too?
Comment by Chris Nillissen
on April 9, 08:08
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Regarding PPL I must say I'm pleasantly surprised to
see mostly all QCs fixed. Good job!
Will changes in System.Threading be backported to XE7?
Comment by Petar G on April 9, 09:22
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
REST library and BaaS components use the new HTTP(S) client
library, so no need to deploy OpenSLL with XE8
could be considered as part of the new update subscription
model... but only for customers under it!
Comment by Marco Cantu
on April 9, 10:18
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
could be considered as part of the new update
model... but only for customers under it!"
Ok Marco, but without these fixes PPL in XE7 is almost
broken. The new update subscription model is good, but
it's not fear in this case. PPL is important to all of
us and XE7 does not deliver a good, working
Please rethink your position.
Comment by Petar G on April 9, 21:56
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Thank you for XE8!
When will the updated Delphi XE9 road map be posted?
Comment by Marco on April 9, 22:06
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Hi Marco!
As a previous comment asks, it would be nice that the
roadmap could be updated more frecuently so we know
more or less (better more than less :)) what you are
working on and the advance degrees.
Also would be nice to know if the Linux compiler is
in that roadmap, and if it is there, any estimated
date for it?
Thanks in advance,
Comment by David on April 10, 19:12
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Please share the Road Map so we can know what is being
served in 2015/2016.
Windows is too expensive we need Linux!!!
Linux support will be supported in XE9, please!!!
Jonny <=
Comment by Jonny on April 15, 16:01
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
On AWS Linux is 40% cheaper to Windows.
Please include support for Linux in XE9!!
Comment by Charles on April 15, 22:41
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Why Embarcadero don't offer an Entry version of
Delphi or C++ Buider that enable new developer to
build apps for iOS or Android, and limited db
applications ? Starter edition are too limited in
order to learn the possibilities offered by Delphi
and the IDE. Trial editions are-in contrast-rich, and
too limited in time, to evaluate it.
Comment by Maurizio Bellantone
on April 17, 09:07
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Every release I download and check for Linux
support. Now I have to wait for XE9. Large Gov
installations use Linux which requires hand-jamming
way too much code. For 2 years we have been looking
for alternatives. The death of Kelix was painful.
Will you ever put strong Linux server and web app
development back in to the XE releases?
Comment by Scott on April 28, 15:03
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Support for Linux servers is on our road map. No time frame
announced, though.
Comment by Marco Cantu
on April 30, 09:44
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Hello Marco Cantu .
The Embarcadero has plans for web development with
Delphi ?
Comment by Emerson on May 15, 14:44
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
You can use the WebHub framework for web development.
I hope this helps.
Comment by David
on May 20, 11:47
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
How many years do we have to wait to have again Delphi
for Linux (Kylix if you want) and also C++Builder for
And why C++Builder is considered by its sucessive
makers (Borland, Codegear, Embarcadero) a second rank
Why the C++11 standards are not fulfilled? The C++14
(ISO/IEC 14882:2014) is ready now, and the C++17 is
now over the "workbench" of the ISO C++ committee.
Comment by Paulo Sousa on June 5, 21:21
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Concerning "out of memory problems" when doing a
Build All in XE2 and later, I found that removing the
refactoring BPL (and associated Registry entry
of "Known IDE Packages") got rid of the problem
Comment by Olivier Beltrami
on June 19, 08:19
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Linux version please
Comment by David Champion on July 26, 21:49
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
Hello Marco.
I think you should really consider two main things
to have Delphi back to the golden days.
Please consider providing a free version of Delphi
that help new developers learn the language and
have adequate features to be attractive to them. I
think Intellij IDEA is a good example.
I think you should focus on web technologies more.
The ability to build rich SPA application the
Delphi way would be a game-changer feature.
Comment by Kumait on July 29, 15:13
RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, and CBuilder XE8 released today
I came here to ask Embarcadero, we want to Delphi
support for Linux. Tanks.
Comment by on September 9, 12:18
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